Home and Personal Care Services

We understand the importance of remaining as independent as possible, but also realize you may need some help with activities of daily living. In assisted living, you can access as little, or as much, assistance as you need. Below is a wide assortment of care you can utilize through our Home and Personal Care Services. These services are not included in the base assisted living rent rate. The Home Care Services are on an á la carte basis. You decide if you need help for a few days or on a daily basis.

Schedule a tour to talk with one of our staff members today.

A registered nurse will complete an assessment with you, or your loved one, to determine the amount of help needed and desired.

Bathing Assistance

Dressing Assistance

Grooming Assistance

Toileting Assistance

Laundry Service

Medication Services

Escort assistance

Nurse Practitioner Assistance

Podiatry Services

Additional Safety Checks


Family Care Conferences Available

Nursing Services

  • Professional nurse (Registered Nurse {RN} or Licensed Practical Nurse {LPN}) coordination with physician, pharmacy, professional therapy staff, and families
  • RN initial and on-going assessments as changes occur
  • As changes occur, it may be necessary to change the level of care and is determined through the assessments
  • Personalized Care Plans addressing the whole person and their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs
  • Specially trained Home Health Aides (HHAs) provide direct care to tenants and ensure the services are delivered as planned, report observations and provide feedback to the RN and LPN
  • Medical management deemed prudent by the RN to fit at the level of service for each tenant, as it pertains to their diagnosis and medications. Additional charges may apply if the management is ordered by the MD, requires strict documentation and reporting, or acuity changes due to tenant’s diagnosis
  • Assistance arranging transportation and appointments
  • Family care conferences, as needed, and no less than annually
  • Monthly vital signs and weight
  • Concierge services are available to assist with supply/shopping needs - Please inquire with our Home Care Director or Executive Director for more information-
  • Access to a rounding Nurse Practitioner, if desired- Please inquire with our Home Care Director for more information-Additional fees apply
  • Access to podiatry services, if desired- Please inquire with our Home Care Director for more information- Additional fees apply

Laundry Services

  • Included with monthly rent; staff washes, folds and puts away 3 loads of laundry a week
  • Tenant may have additional loads washed for an additional charge

Housekeeping Services

  • Included with the rent, approximately ½ hour of housekeeping per week will include:
  • Vacuuming
  • Dusting around objects
  • Cleaning floors
  • Wiping down surfaces in the bathroom
  • Cleaning the sink, shower and toilet
  • Additional housekeeping is available at an additional charge

Weekly Bed Making

  • Staff will remake bed on tenant laundry/housekeeping day as requested by tenant

Home Care Services                     

Housekeeping: Weekly housekeeping, Additional housekeeping & Daily bed making

Laundry: Up to three loads weekly & Additional laundry

Nursing Services: Incidental Home Health Aide, Incidental Nursing RN/LPN & Nurse Visit                                                

Bathing Assistance Level I: One time weekly, Two times weekly & Three times weekly                                                    

Bathing Assistance Level II: One time weekly, Two times weekly & Three times weekly                                                   

Bathing Assistance Level III: One time weekly, Two times weekly & Three times weekly

Grooming and Dressing Assistance Level I: One time daily & Two times daily                                                      

Grooming and Dressing Assistance Level II: One time daily & Two times daily                                                                 

Assistance with Ted Socks only (AM & PM)

Bathroom and Hygiene Assistance:  One to three times daily, Four to six times daily, Seven to twelve times daily &

13 or more times daily

Catheter Care

Ostomy Care

Assistance with Transferring: Level 1, Level 2 (mechanical lift)    

Turning and Repositioning Assistance: One to three times daily, Four to six times daily & Seven to twelve times daily                                                  

Safety Checks: One to three times daily, Four to six times daily & Seven to twelve times daily

Reminders and Redirections: Level I & Level II                                                                                       

Escort Assistance: Level I (wheelchair up to 4x per day), Level I (wheelchair up to 8x per day), Level II (walking/guidance up to 4x per day),

Safety Alarm

Safety Alarm Set-Up

Medication Assistance/Administration: One time daily, Two times daily, Three times daily, Four times daily, Five times daily, Six times daily, PRN Medication Administration

Medication Set-Up: Level I & Level II

Medication Administration/Eye Drops  Level I, Level II & Pre-Post Cataract Surgery

Medication Administration/Inhalers: Level I & Level II                                                                                        

Coumadin Management

Medical Monitoring: Daily

Administration of Injections:  Level I & Level II

B12 Injections Monthly

Medication Order changes

Non-Interfaced Pharmacy Fee

Glucose Monitoring: One to two times daily,Three to four times daily, 1-2 times per week & 3 or more times to week (less than daily)

Restorative Program: Level I,Level II

1:1 Companion

Nail Care

Skin Care

Wound Care                            

Oxygen and Respiratory Care: CPAP or Oxygen Management & Nebulizer Treatment                                                      

Advanced Hospice Care during End of Life

Long Term Care Processing Fee

In-Room Dining: One meal, One meal each day, Two meals each day & Three meals each day                                         

Definition of Additional Services Available

Incidental Services

  • Any service that is not provided on a routine basis, and is not specifically identified in the service agreement
  • Billed in 15 minute increments
  • Service may be given by either a nurse or a HHA, depending on the level of care needed

Bathing Assistance

Level I

  • Set-up of bathing supplies and clean-up of bathing area
  • Stand-by assistance if needed, or minimal staff assistance with washing and drying
  • This service allows for approximately 30 minutes of staff time

Level II

  • Set-up of bathing supplies and clean-up of bathing area
  • Hands-on staff assistance with washing and drying
  • Applying lotion, nail care and shampooing hair, as requested
  • This service allows for approximately 30-45 minutes of staff time

Level III

  • Set-up of bathing supplies and clean-up of bathing area
  • Extensive staff assistance with washing and drying
  • Applying lotion, nail care and shampooing hair, as requested
  • This service allows for approximately 45-60 minutes of staff time
  • Whirlpool tub

Grooming and Dressing

Level I

  • Set-up grooming supplies and lay out clothing
  • Needs minimal assistance with buttoning shirt, putting on socks and shoes
  • Assistance given once or twice per day
  • Services provided for 15 minutes

Level II

  • Assistance with putting on and/or removing clothing
  • Assistance given once or twice per day
  • Includes assisting with oral care and personal hygiene
  • Includes putting hearing aid in and taking it out; changing batteries, as needed
  • Includes assistance with TED hose/compression stockings. (Includes washing and drying stockings, and applying lotion, if necessary)
  • Services provided for 15-30 minutes

Assistance with TED Hose or Compression Stockings

  • Includes assistance with putting on stockings in the AM, removing them at night. Service also includes applying lotion to legs, assistance with shoes, and washing stockings at night
  • Service provided for approximately 10 minutes each time

Toileting Assistance/Incontinence Care

  • Charges according to the number of times per day
  • Assist with transferring on and off toilet or commode, with limited transfer assistance
  • Changing incontinence products
  • Providing hygiene after changes and changing clothing, as needed
  • Ordering of incontinence supplies, if requested
  • Emptying of commode, as needed
  • Observation and reporting of changes in skin condition

Catheter Care

  • Staff assists with emptying of leg/night bag
  • Staff observes for signs of infection in urine and reports to nurse
  • Staff measures output and documents

Ostomy Care

  • Changing/emptying of ostomy bag by nursing staff

Transferring Assistance

Level I

  • Transfer assistance means the individual needs help to go from one surface to another. The surface may be a chair, bed, wheelchair, toilet, etc.
  • Limited assistance from one staff person for transfers
  • Monthly fee based on clients transfer status during other services, with additional fees for those services: i.e., toileting, dressing, escorts, etc.

Level II

  • May require assistance of two staff persons and/or a mechanical lift
  • For a sit-to-stand mechanical lift, the person must be weight-bearing
  • Would cover the use of a sling lift, if needed

Turning and Repositioning Assistance

  • Requires assistance to turn and reposition in bed
  • Levels vary depending upon the number of times for assistance

Safety Checks

  • Charges according to the number of times per day
  • Staff members checking on the tenant to assure that tenant is safe/secure

Reminders and Redirections

This service can be provided to individuals who need assistance remembering important tasks and can continue to live successfully in assisted living with some intervention from home care staff.  It is important to note that it is not a guarantee that an individual will be appropriate and safe in general assisted living.  There may be a time when their needs exceed our capabilities and/or safety, in this setting.

Level I

  • Service includes scheduled reminders, up to five times a day, for meals and activities and simple checks to ensure that a panic button is being worn
  • It is limited to scheduled services involving home care or activity staff and no more than 5 times per day

Level II

  • Includes services listed in Level I, and
  • Unscheduled reminders and redirections with staff assistance, due to tenant orientation issues throughout the day. An example would be a tenant who seeks attention from staff due to orientation issues
  • Service is limited to ten times per day
  • It also does not cover service for individuals who are at risk for elopement, pose a threat to other tenant’s safety, interrupt the quiet enjoyment of others or seek attention/intervention from other tenants

Escort Assistance

Level I

  • This service involves assisting a tenant from one place to another on a regularly scheduled basis such as meals and activities. The difference between the levels is the mode of transportation and the amount of staff time and effort involved
  • Allows for staff to propel wheelchair to meals and activities up to four times a day or eight times per day

Level II

  • This level includes staff assistance of one or two persons with a transfer belt and a mobility device, if needed
  • Includes escorts to meals and activities up to four or 6 times a day

Safety Devices

  • Need use of bed alarm
  • Need use of wheelchair/chair alarm
  • Need use of door alarm
  • Need use of bathroom alarm
  • Need use of remote monitoring system
  • Charges are per each safety device
  • A one-time set up charge applies for each device

Medication Assistance/Administration

  • May include storing, ordering, communicating with MD and pharmacy, setting-up and assisting with administration/self-administration of medications and documentation of such
  • Charges vary per the number of medication administration times per day
  • Additional charge applies for administration of as needed medications
  • A monthly non-interfaced pharmacy fee may apply when using a pharmacy that is not interfaced with our nursing software system

Medication Set-Up

Level I

  • Medications ordered and set-up weekly in medication containers by a licensed nurse
  • If tenant administers oral medications independently, licensed nurses will monitor medication compliance weekly, at the time of the next set-up
  • Order changes will carry an Order Change Fee

Level II

  • Includes all the service in Level I, and
  • May include setting up of insulin in syringes by licensed nursing staff

Medication Administration/ Eye Drop

Level I

  • Home Care staff will assist with instilling eye drops, as ordered by physician
  • Allows for up to two administrations per day
  • Does not cover pre/post-cataract care

Level II

  • Includes the assistance in Level I, and
  • Allows for administration of eye drops 3 or more times per day
  • Does not cover pre/post-cataract care

Medication Administration/Inhaler

Level I

  • Home Care staff will assist with inhalers, as ordered by physician
  • Allows for assistance up to two times per day

Level II

  • Includes the assistance in Level I, and
  • Allows for assistance three or more times a day

Medical Monitoring

  • Medical monitoring may include monitoring of blood pressure, pulse, weight or other interventions deemed necessary by RN or MD
  • Other medical monitoring determined by the RN to appropriately fit at this level of staff time and training may be added.
  • More complex monitoring may be available at the discretion of the RN and prices would be adjusted according to the amount of licensed staff time needed

Administration of Insulin

Level I

  • Includes administering insulin, communicating with MD and pharmacy, ordering supplies, as needed, and documentation of administration
  • Assistance will be given up to two times per day

Level II

  • Includes the assistance in Level I, and
  • Assistance will be given up to four times per day
  • Assistance with sliding scale insulin is offered at this level
  • Tenants with sliding scale insulin may be required to visit the emergency room should they have a diabetic crisis during non-licensed hours

Glucose Monitoring

  • Blood sugar testing as ordered by MD, contacting MD when levels are outside of given parameters, ordering supplies, as needed, and documentation of results
  • Charges according to the number of times per day or week

Medication Order Changes

  • Transcribing new orders
  • Notifying pharmacy of new orders
  • Instructing staff on usage and side effects of new medication
  • Training staff if specific orders are given

Coumadin Management

  • Coordination of PT/INR testing, as ordered by physician
  • Documentation of weekly readings
  • Processing of physician orders for Coumadin dose changes
  • Communication with the pharmacy of dosage changes

Restorative or Exercise Program

  • This charge relates to specific programming, as ordered by a licensed health professional, such as a physical therapist, and includes a written care plan with instructions and specific staff training of the program. It does not include exercises done through an activity program or escort assistance
  • Charges according to the number of times per day

1:1 Companion

With advanced notice and based on staff availability we may provide:

  • An awake staff member – providing 1-on-1 assistance with the tenant
  • Provide socialization
  • Provide personal care
  • Provide feeding assistance

Nail Care

  • Includes soaking hands or feet, trimming toe or fingernails and applying lotion
  • This service is for tenants who do not have medical conditions that require certified and licensed staff for nail care, or tenants who receive Bathing Assistance Level 2 or 3
  • If the tenant is diabetic, care is provided by a licensed staff

Skin Care/Wound Care

  • May include applying lotion daily or other skin care, as ordered by physician
  • If the skin care is actually care of a wound, which requires greater skill or a licensed caregiver this will be charged as a nurse visit per occurrence
  • Tenant and/or responsible person will be informed of such charge before it is implemented

Oxygen or CPAP Management

  • Ordering oxygen and supplies, as needed
  • Assistance with management of equipment including routine cleaning of filters, changing tubing, filling portable oxygen and monitoring the liters per minute ordered
  • Documentation and consultation with MD for any problems or compliance issues
  • Ordering CPAP supplies as needed
  • Assistance with management of equipment including routine cleaning and filling of reservoir
  • Documentation and consultation with MD for any problems or compliance issues

Pre-Post Cataract Surgery

  • Includes the administration of eye drops, as ordered by physician, before and after surgery
  • Ordering drops, as needed
  • Observing for and reporting changes to the physician, as needed
  • The fee is one time for each eye, if service for both eyes will be needed

Nebulizer Treatment

  • Administration of medication through nebulizer, as ordered by MD
  • Daily monitoring and cleaning of equipment, re-ordering supplies and documentation
  • Observation and reporting of problems to MD

Hospice Advanced Care during End of Life

  • Every one or two hour visits for additional pain control and comfort utilizing medication administration, repositioning for respiratory relief, sponge bathing/lotion/creams, oral cares/swabbing, incontinent care and emotional support for tenant and family.

In-Room Dining

  • Per meal charge for meal delivery to apartment
  • Includes delivery and pick-up of meal tray
  • Charges vary from a single meal delivery, or monthly charges for regularly delivered meals according to the number of times per day